This is a love song day
ciel voilé d'un arc
aux couleurs chatoyantes
les oiseaux entonnent l'envol des futurs mariés
this is a love song day
Sam and I sing love love love Pierre
Sam and I sing love love love lover
the birds, and the cats, and the mouses and the crabs, and the fishs, and the chicks, and the kids, and the beats, and the greats, and the creats, and the feats, and the sweets, and the pleats, and the wheats, and the tweets, and the heats, and the glee, and the meets, and the neats ...
are coming now
this is love song day
Sam and I sing love love love Pierre
Sam and I sing love love love lover
Suite, Les pensées de Sam Moore, This s a love song day, envoyé à Pierre Giquel, le 9 avril 2018